Speaking: as much as you like

 There are few advantages and disadvantages with the natural approach. Among the advantages, we can say:

  • It is based on mother tongue acquisition
  • Visual aids promote comprehension
  • Great amount of vocabulary is learnt
  • Use of TPR activities increase students´ motivation, and therefore, attitude through the lessons

On the other hand, these are some disadvantages:

  • A problem for those who are not expose to the target language during a long time
  • Great fluency but weak correctness 

As we have learnt, it is a good idea mix all the approaches known in our lessons and do not prescribe for only one. During my sessions, speaking is always presented in different ways.

For example, I use the target language all the time in the classroom to give any orders or instructions (supported with visual aids or gestures). In this sense, my students feel comfortable and confident to imitate me and try to produce, too. English is used in a natural way through songs, fairytales, films… as a native speaker would do it.

Another strategy is to encourage group work as much as possible. In this sense, we are promoting interaction in a natural way as in a communicative situation dealing with topics close to their reality and interests such as toys.

Also, peer feedback is important. Many times, the teacher's role is to correct looking for accuracy, but it is richer if we leave them flow or if it is possible, leave other students correct them. In this sense, we will work on fluency and collaborative learning. 

Nowadays, due to new technologies and the use of the Internet, we use the foreign language in a different way. From my point of view, in a better and richer way.

It is possible to chat with other natives speakers in just a "click", by writing mode or face to face. As the same time we are learning culture features and carrying out a natural and real communicative situation. 

As well, we can access to infinite tools, apps, websites, social medias, videos… to listen to English, to speak in English, to study, to improve…by ourselves any time, any day. Just 24 hours, seven days a week.

As much as you like to. 
