We watched Despicable me! (Edpuzzle)

Give a reason for your choice of video
Despicable me film is close to my students interests. We watched the movie several times before during rainy days at playground. Due to their simple langugage on specific parts of the movie, I selected it to work on English language in a natural way, and as a native speaker.

Explain briefly the learning objectives for the session(s) and sequence of activities
Among the learning objectives, we can higlight:
- use vocabulary and grammar from the unit in a concrete context,
- focus on visual aids to help them to comprehend the message
- and be able to answer specific questions about the video.
The sequence were divided in pre-, while- and post- activities. On the previous ones, they were asked to watch the video at home, and remember key words from the unit. During the video, they answer the questions designed during it through Edpuzzle. Some of these questions were in test form, and other were open. Finally, they shoul write few sentences about what was going on the film clip using their own knowledge boackgroud and simple tenses.

Explain if you flipped your class (or any part of it) and how, if so, this has helped you achieve the learning objectives
Due to their previous knowledge of the plot of the story, my studetns felt confident while it was played in English. Anyway, they were warn about this special session through Google classroom.
At home they could watched for first time in English. In this sense, next English session they already know what they are supposed to do. It had advantages like: fast development of the lesson, and great achievement by the most of my students.

Highlight the high points of the experience: what went well and what did you and the students particularly enjoy about the task:
They really enjoyed the lesson and felt entusiastic. Those students who normally need more reinforment or aids, they were capable to follow up the activity and answered the questions by Edpuzzle quite good.
Another positive feedback was that my students felt important and superheroes in the sense that they watched a part of the film in the foreign language, and they did it well.

Suggest ways of improving next time:
Next time, I could try to work on films similar to this one, but not too very familiar for them to foster a challenging attitude. Bearing in mind the important previous step that aware them and leave them some time to work on it at home.

Despicable me
