New era. New reading habits

    Nowadays, reading is more accesible than years ago. New technologies and the Internet make it possible. For this reason, reading habits have changed in both, timing and location.

    Tablets, electronic books, smartphones…take part in our daily live. They are smaller and lighter than paper books and even more important multimedia platforms offer millions of different books and gender for free or cheaper. So, the duty of choose one book or other, will depend on where are you, when do you want to read and what are you in interest in.

    Due to this change, children are more motivated on reading. On their early years, they can explore different reading styles, topics, genres…in an easy and fast way, in order to discover what do the like the most. It is a great clue to let them choose: What do you fancy read, today?

    In this way, they feel free, detective, explorers of their own inner world and at the same time they are developing their language (L1 or L2) and reading.

    As you can see, this image reflect the new era of reading and so close to my own experience. As life goes so fast and busy, I use any moment to take my iPad/iPhone out and read anywhere I go.

Most of the time, I choose romantic novels but it will changed if I read in English. In those cases, I prefer to read about teaching in general and English teaching. 
