Dealing writing: Product VS Process approach

     To be honest, the recent writing task designed for my students (younger ones) were based on product approach where I provide them with a writing model using vocabulary and grammar from the unit, and we focus our attention on special features and then they produce their own. 
    The aim is on be able to use the foreign language in a correct grammatical way, more than the interest on their ideas reflected. 

    I have designed two different writing activities according to different writing approaches:
  • Report about my TV preferences
    This activity is designed for my students of 4th grade of Primary Education. At the latest sessions, I present the title of our writing activity, and I provide them a writing model planned for this specific topic. 
Then, the whole group work together on the title and topic focus on ideas, personal situations…and building up a brainstorming.
After that, we read the model presented before, in order to look at those grammar structures, vocabulary words, punctuation marks…that will be relevant for our latter individual work.
During some time, my students will work individually and they will write down their report. At the end, I will read them and provide feedback. 

    This activity follow a product approach, suitable for younger students in order to teach them writing structures, providing them with a model in order to help and feel them secure and capable. At this stage, they can not produce at their own, and I give them tools.
  • How many hours can we watch TV?
    This one, is designed for the 6th grade. In this case, the aim of the activity is to foster their ideas and thoughts in the foreign language and being capable to set it down on the paper, where grammatical structures and correctness goes to a second label. So, we work  on a process approach. 

    The topic is chosen according to their interest, close to their daily live and also, a good one to foster their curiosity and desire to search more information on the Internet. 
The activity will taker longer than the previous one, but will take all the elements necessaries to achieve our final result: brainstormings, reading information texts, videos related with the topic,…The aim is to provide them with enough information data about TV healthy habits, to create own opinions and them let write their reflection by themselves, with some support by me. 
At the end, they will read other peers reflections, and they will give them feedback. So, language will be used for a future purpose and in a meaningful and communicate way. 
