As writers: StoryJumper!

 We used Story Jumper, and we did it very well!

Write a reflection about it: 

- How did you organise the groups?

In order to create short storybooks, I organized the classroom into different groups of 3-4 students. 

Every single group were created bearing in mind different capacities, levels…with the aim of creating diverse groupings. 

- What was the sequence of tasks that you followed to get to the final product?

Each group followed different stages along the activity. First of all, I presented the idea and instructions to all of them, and I divided the classroom into different groups (bearing in mind mixed levels to foster collaborative work)

Then, they thought on a plot, but with the same background or topic: healthy food. They chose characters, context, number of scenes… and to organize all those ideas, each group create a draft in a comic format. The added speech bubbles, too.

Checked their drafts, they started to use the toll: storyjumper. As the website is in English, it was important to help them previously how to use it. So, one session was focused on follow my steps looking at the smart-board based on all ready story made before myself.

On the computers, each group divided different roles and they started to work on their projects.

My duty was monitor and check their difficulties. Finally, they presented their final results to their classmates, and take notes of others stories in order to get them feedback. 

- What were the specific learning objectives for this activity? How did the use of the tool help the learners achieve these objectives? Please be specific and give concrete examples.

  • Use reading and writing as a creative tool to communicate
  • Write a foreign language story with health habits issues
  • Learn a story tool in a digital format, to get a final story book
  • Work in groups to achieve a final aim
  • Use our language knowledge to create a story from the very beginning (food vocabulary)
  • Foster healthy habits though the plot of the story

Due to the use of storyjumper, my students achieved the learning objectives. Each step of he project was rich, from get ideas in common until being able to use the digital resource for the first time. 

In a motivating, attractive and close context for them, they use the English language for a useful and communicative purpose. The final result, were showed also to their families and friends. They felt proud of themselves. English lessons were different!

- In what ways (be specific) was creativity and the use of imagination encouraged in your students?

  • Creating the comic draft.
  • Designing all the plot of the story and characters.
  • Planning the design of the book (pictures, audios, videos…)
  • Considering previous stories that they already read in order to create their own
  • Sharing their different ideas and create a only one
  • Choosing language using their knowledge and adapting it to their necessities


  1. I love your students´book. It was easy to follow, quite visual and also easy vocabulary. But I´ve missed the level or age of students, I think that it could be higher levels because of the structure that they created. Anyway, thanks for sharing your book and your experience. It was a plesaure to read about it.

    1. Thanks Raquel! :) happy to hear from you
      Yes!It was created by my students of the 5th grade.
      Thanks for reading and your comment


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