Our TimeToast about Disney fairytales

    In our class we have learnt about Disney fairytales films and their evolution through the years (from 20th century to nowadays), using a timeline to present the information. In order to create our timeline we use a digital tool (for free) called: TimeToast.

Aims of the activity: 

    - Learning the name of famous literature works in English

    - Using key words related with fairytales and developing reading skills

    - Knowing the difference between past fairytales, and present stories. Women role

    - Writing dates in English and use ordinal numbers and centuries

    - Discovering a digital tool to make timelines

Steps on the activity:

    1. Present the activity to my students as a FT at the end of the unit.

    2. Work on vocabulary related with fairytales 

    3. Reading: information about fairytales´ films. Divide the work on different groups

    4. Group work: they will make a timeline draft. 

    5. TimeToast: each group will add their information on the common timeline

    6. The end: We will show our group FT on the smartboard. Students and teacher feedback

Advantages of using TimeToast:

    - Foster group work (3-4 students) using new technologies in the learning process

    - Learn the evolution of the women role in movies and storytellings. 

    - Use the L2 language in a communicative way 

    - Increase motivation in the lessons. Students are more participative and interested on the process and final result

Difficulties along the activity:

    - Some students didn't participate on the activity as much as I would like it 

    - First contact with the TimeToast took some time. 

Students´ reactions and feedback:

    - They love the process and the final result. They are sure to learn English easier in this way. 

    - Motivation level: higher

    - Good attitude through group work and the use of new technologies

What should I improve next time?:

    - Create different roles in each group work to ensure their effort and participation

3 ways to achieve our goal:

1. As a sum up of important contents

2. As a comprehension aid from a text (in a visual and creative way)

3. As a organization tool to set evolution about something learnt

READY? Click on the link to take a look!

Disney Fairytales in the History
