Mini-project: "Tourist guides of English speaking countries"

  We planned a mini-project about “Tourist guides of English speaking countries” bearing in mind that they were asked to choose countries different to: England, Canada, UUEE… in order to foster new knowledge and promote learning of new cultural features.

Every project was carried out in different stages:
1. Presentation of the project, topic (tourists guides), and the digital tool (Genially)
2. Organisation by groups (2-3 students)

- Group work stages:
3. Decide about what English speaking country will be their mini-project 
4. Look for information: important and curious features 
5. Choose one type of Genially presentation (video, quiz, game, infographic…
6. Let's start !
7. Check, revise and teacher revision
8. Plan oral presentation
9. Let's present !

Grouping was chosen with a classroom dynamic called: Find someone who…
Each student took a card with an instruction based on the structure from the tittle of the dynamic. So, grouping was carried out randomly, by themselves and using the target language. 

The timing for this mini-project was based on 4 sessions plus the oral presentation. On the oral presentation day, all the groups will have a feedback sheet where they have to assess others mini-projects. Some aspects like: organisation, final result, interesting features taught, motivation capacity, fluency and comprehension, visual aids, and so on.

Thanks to using Genially, my students felt involved in the learning process and they were happy to use English to communicative and teach new thing to their peers. All of them value other with admiration, highlighting positive aspects and valuing the effort of every single group. 
    It was the first time with this tool, so they made a great job. It was a challenge and it cause an effective and significant learning for them. Learning aims like: being able to use ICT to communicate, speaking presentation with visual aids among others were achieved by the most. 
    It can be nice to reinforce practicing with others projects.

Due to the experience, we could improve timing sessions for future occasions and the type of grouping (not randomly as we did at the very beginning). Also, propose individual mini-projects at the end of some units, in order to use the language in an attractive and meaningful way as a learning conclusions. 

There you go!
Here it is one of the mini-projects
